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Assembly Source File
201 lines
title TRYLCVT --- LCVT demonstration
page 55,132
; TRYLCVT.ASM --- an interactive demonstration of
; the LCVT formatting routine
; To exit from the program, push <Enter>
; alone at the "Enter a number" prompt.
; Ray Duncan, December 1987
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:_DATA
extrn ATOL:near ; ASCII to long integer
extrn LCVT:near ; format decimal long int.
extrn HTOL:near ; hex ASCII to long int.
main proc near
mov ax,_DATA ; make our data segment
mov ds,ax ; addressable...
mov es,ax
mov dx,offset signon ; display sign-on message
mov cx,so_len
call pmsg
main1: mov dx,offset prompt1 ; get number to convert
mov cx,p1_len
call getnum
cmp byte ptr inbuff,cr ; was anything entered?
jne main2 ; yes, proceed
mov ax,4c00h ; no, exit to MS-DOS
int 21h
main2: mov fval,ax ; yes, save the number
mov fval+2,dx
mov dx,offset prompt2 ; get output width
mov cx,p2_len
call getnum
or al,al ; make sure width nonzero
jz main1 ; jump, width was zero
mov fwidth,al ; else save width
mov dx,offset prompt3 ; get decimal places
mov cx,p3_len
call getnum
mov fdecpl,al ; and save it
mov dx,offset prompt4 ; get conversion flags
mov cx,p4_len
call getnum
mov si,offset inbuff ; ignore decimal value,
call htol ; convert input as hex,
mov flags,al ; save conversion flags
test al,10h ; special pad character?
jz main3 ; no, jump
mov dx,offset prompt5 ; get pad character
mov cx,p5_len
call pmsg ; display prompt
mov ah,1 ; func. 1 = char. input
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
mov fpad,al ; save pad character
cmp al,' ' ; was it a control. char?
jae main3 ; no, proceed
mov fpad,' ' ; yes, use a blank instead
main3: mov dx,offset display ; display "You entered: "
mov cx,d_len ; to the user...
call pmsg
; load registers and call
; LCVT formatting routine...
mov dx,fval+2 ; 32-bit number to convert
mov ax,fval
mov bh,fdecpl ; number of decimal places
mov bl,fwidth ; output field width
mov ch,flags ; conversion flags
mov cl,fpad ; pad character
mov si,offset outbuff ; DS:SI -> output buffer
call lcvt ; now format the number
; returns DS:SI = output
; field, AX = length,
; Carry = success/error
mov cx,ax ; CX = string length
mov dx,si ; DS:DX = string address
call pmsg ; display formatted string
jmp main1 ; do it again...
main endp
pmsg proc near ; display message on stdout
; call with
; DS:DX = message address
; CX = message length
mov bx,1 ; handle 1 = standard output
mov ah,40h ; function 40h = write
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
ret ; return to caller
pmsg endp
getnum proc near ; display prompt, get input,
; and convert to binary
; call with
; DS:DX = prompt address
; CX = prompt length
; returns
; DX:AX = value entered
call pmsg ; display the prompt
mov dx,offset inbuff ; read keyboard entry
mov cx,80 ; from the user...
mov bx,0 ; handle 0 = standard input
mov ah,3fh ; funct. 3FH = read
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
mov si,offset inbuff ; convert convert user's
call atol ; input to binary in DX:AX
ret ; return to caller
getnum endp
_TEXT ends
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
signon db cr,lf,'LCVT Demonstration Program'
so_len equ $-signon
prompt1 db cr,lf,lf,lf
db 'Enter a number: '
p1_len equ $-prompt1
prompt2 db cr,lf
db 'Enter output width: '
p2_len equ $-prompt2
prompt3 db cr,lf
db 'Enter decimal places: '
p3_len equ $-prompt3
prompt4 db cr,lf
db 'Enter flags (hex): '
p4_len equ $-prompt4
prompt5 db cr,lf
db 'Enter pad character: '
p5_len equ $-prompt5
display db cr,lf,lf
db 'You entered: '
d_len equ $-display
fval dw 0,0 ; value to be formatted
flags db 0 ; conversion flags
fwidth db 0 ; width of output field
fdecpl db 0 ; decimal places
fpad db 0 ; padding char.
inbuff db 80 dup (?) ; keyboard input buffer
outbuff db 80 dup (?) ; output formatting buffer
_DATA ends
STACK segment para stack 'STACK'
db 128 dup (?)
STACK ends
end main